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How would you react if I said, "It's time for you to rest?"


Clutch your pearls?

  • Feel like I just used a four-letter word at you because work is your identity.

Be confused?

  • You know some ladies can't even fathom rest with everything going on.

Let out a long sigh?

  • You know it's exactly what you need. But how?


Women are finding it difficult to live in the moment, constantly tired, busy without a purpose, living in fear and anxiety, losing hope, and burning out. Girl, it's the UN-rest of it all that puts the fire in me to lead women out of UN-rest and into the blessings that await them in TRU-rest.


Let me be clear, when I say "rest," I'm talking about soul care, what your soul craves, not just spa days and naps. Haven't you had times when you took off work, went to the spa, slept all day, or binged Netflix and were still just as weary as before you started? Your soul craves rest (peace, joy, freedom, refreshment) that you can only find in Jesus.


The Rest Care Circle is your chance to come behind the scenes and be led and encouraged into rest. Resting in Jesus daily allows us to live, work, and lead in peace, joy, freedom, and refreshment. Sounds like a dream, right? It does not have to be. That is why we exist—for your rest!


When you connect to the Rest Care Circle you will:


  • Discover how to find rest (infused with biblical principles) in our monthly virtual gatherings.

  • Be carefully guided through journaling and worship/soaking exercises.

  • Surround yourself with real women, living real lives, who are also learning how to put rest in Christ first.

  • Feel seen, known, and loved in a relaxed, transparent atmosphere where you get honest feedback, proven rest strategies, and more.


Join today and tell a friend! It's so easy and FREE!


It’s about to get good and real!

  1. Put "rest" on your calendar! We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 8:30PM EST (unless schedule changes).

  2. Come and leave behind distractions for this time you have set aside and be refreshed in the presence of the Lord.

  3. Come prepared with your Bible, notebook/journal, pens, coloring pencils, highlighters, etc. You may support by purchasing your notebook/journal through our store.

Connect to the Rest Care Circle

YAY! You are in! See you at the next gathering!

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Girl Rest! 2024

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