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Girl Rest is an amazing experience. The Holy Spirit rests over this ministry. I remember I learned about Girl Rest on Facebook in 2016 and I’ve been connected ever since. Delonda has a Heart for women to REST in Jesus. I love how she reminds us to rest if it's during Monday night prayer or journaling prompts or if it's receiving a surprise in the mail, she reminds us as women to rest in Jesus.  She hosts women retreats for us to make sure that we get our rest that even my children ask me when are you going back? I have met some amazing women that has spoken into my life and I'm so grateful to be a part of Girl Rest

So, if you are ready to rest the right way then Girl come and Rest!

~ Dominique (North Carolina)


I thank God Almighty for His continued blessings upon my life. Since I knew Delonda, she’s trained me on how to rest in lord. As the Bible says come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Not only do I rest on one day of the week, but I rest in Jesus every day at any time. Through resting I listen to the voice of God, meditate, and read the word of God. Through rest I thank God have learned to be like the Berean people I dig deeper to know and understand the word. More blessings Delonda as you train many women about rest. 

~ Cate (Kenya)


I remember chuckling as I read the name “Girl Rest” and said to myself…how fitting for me. I’ve always been a super driven young woman, and sometimes you forget to slow down and rest in Jesus. Life is not a race but a marathon. The more I live, the more I can relate to the childhood story of the rabbit and the turtle. Many times, we want to be the fast, quick rabbit. I’ve always known I’m the turtle lol…just takes me longer. I’ve learned to be ok with that! 😁Persistence does truly work!! It also allows me to lead others with a lot of grace. With Girl Rest I’ve met a wonderful community of Godly women who unknowingly inspire me every day through their pursuit of Jesus. I’ve applied many wonderful principles learned here on my job and leadership roles. Thank you for leading women to rest! 
~ Jennifer (Florida)

I have been a part of the Girl Rest tribe for over 3 years now and it is simply wonderful! In a time where women are pressured by society to do more and more, DeLonda shows women that our identities are not dependent on what we do, but Jesus Christ alone! I have learned God’s favor and obedience will bring more than striving and stress.


Gina B. (Denver, CO)


Girl Rest! 2024

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